Why choose Organic Coffee?
Bio coffee is produced in an ecological manner, where no synthetic sprays or artificial fertilizers are used, which enables perfect grains, clean air, soil and water. Organic coffee is produced only with natural fertilizers such as coffee pulp and compost. At the same time, organic farms reduce environmental impact by producing less harmful carbon dioxide than a classical farm. Additionally, organic coffee beans contain more health-beneficial antioxidants and many people taste the difference. With the organic production of coffee, your health and the health of the planet can only benefit!
Did you know that normal or conventional coffee is one of the most chemically processed foodstuffs in the world?
It is known that up to 250 kilograms of chemical fertilizers per hectare are used in the production of conventional coffee. So, conventional coffee is infused with artificial fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. These chemicals allow farmers to produce twice as much coffee, and at the same time, eliminate pests that try to destroy crops. But these pesticides are not only toxic for insects, as more and more scientists conclude that these toxins can also be harmful to humans. In some scientific studies, pesticides are associated with a number of health problems, including prostate cancer and Parkinson’s disease. At the same time, pesticides pose a threat to pregnant women, as chemical residues are transmitted to their fetus and accumulate in body fat, damaging the nervous and reproductive system. Such chemicals can also interfere with the functioning of the hormones and the immune system. Research shows that one cup of conventional coffee contains as many as 1,000 chemical compounds.
“Only Treat your body to the best, drink Organic healthy coffee by Artino Green!”